Through over 30 years of business, Møreforsking has built solid expertise on designing and conducting projects within varying time- and budget-frames. The institute has 55 employees, whom conduct research, development, counseling and knowledge development.

Miroslava Atanassova
Miroslava holds a Doctoral degree in Biochemistry and Cell Biology from the University of Nantes, France with focus on structural and functional characterization of a bioactive proteinaceous secondary metabolite, produced by a probiotic microorganism. Has been awarded UNESCO-L’OREAL “For young women in science” fellowship in 2001, for her PhD project. Her Master's degree in General and Applied Microbiology from the University of Sofia, Bulgaria has focus on characterization of probiotics.
During her research career Miroslava has worked with Prof. Christiaan Michiels at the Food and Microbial Technology Center of KULeuven’s campus Arenberg, Belgium (2002-2004), at a 15-month postdoctoral position related to project GOA/03/10 “Biocatalysts for improved functional properties of foods” and, further on, as staff researcher at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (in the period 2004-2006), on a NATO RIG project entitled “New thermostable enzymes from originally isolated thermophilic bacteria”.
From 2006 to 2008 she has continued working with enzyme characterization and analysis of the functional properties of foods, attributed by different various Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) strains. In the period 2009-2011 Miroslava has specialized in Food Biotechnology and Nutrition as Isidro Parga Pondal Researcher at ANFACO-CECOPESCA, Vigo, Spain, participating in 5 different Spanish and EU-funded research and innovation projects in this period. In 2012 was appointed Responsible for the Research Division on Nutrition and Health of ANFACO-CECOPESCA, where her responsibilities included supervision of bachelor, master’s degree, Erasmus students, as well as of the researchers and technicians in the group. Miroslava has participated in a total of 9 national & international research and innovation projects in the period 2012-2017 and has led two of these. During her career, she has disseminated knowledge via writing 36 scientific papers/ book chapters and attending more than 35 international conferences and workshops.